
Giulia Bergamaschi
June 28, 2024

1. What is AdAttributionKit?

AdAttributionKit is a powerful tool designed to help marketers and app developers measure the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns. This kit, which has been recently introduced by Apple, provides detailed insights into how users interact with ads, enabling marketers to optimize their strategies and improve return on investment (ROI). By tracking user actions, AdAttributionKit helps in attributing conversions, installs and other valuable user activities to specific ad campaigns, creatives or channels.

2. What are AdAttributionKit’s key features?

AdAttributionKit offers a range of features to facilitate effective ad attribution and campaign performance analysis:

  • Install attribution. AdAttributionKit identifies which ad campaigns are responsible for app installs. By tracking clicks and impressions, AdAttributionKit can determine the source of each install, thus helping marketers understand which ads are most effective.
  • In-app event tracking. AdAttributionKit also tracks post-install events such as in-app purchases, registrations and other user interactions. This provides a comprehensive view of the user’s funnel, from ad click to engagement within the app.
  • Multi-touch attribution. Recognizing that a user may interact with multiple ads before their conversion, AdAttributionKit supports multi-touch attribution. This means it can attribute a conversion to multiple touchpoints, giving a more accurate picture of the customer journey.
  • Real-time analytics. AdAttributionKit’s SDK provides real-time analytics and reporting, allowing marketers to make data-driven decisions quickly. This includes dashboards and customizable reports that highlight key performance metrics.
  • Fraud prevention. AdAttributionKit incorporates advanced fraud detection mechanisms to identify and mitigate fraudulent activities, ensuring the integrity of attribution data.
  • Integration with ad networks. It supports integration with a wide range of ad networks, making it easy to aggregate data from various sources into a single platform.

3. How does AdAttributionKit work?

AdAttributionKit operates by integrating directly into mobile applications. Here’s a step-by-step overview of its functionality:

  • Integration. Developers incorporate AdAttributionKit’s SDK (Software Development Kit) into their app. This SDK collects data on user interactions with ads and subsequent app activities.
  • Ad interaction tracking. When a user clicks on an ad or views an impression, the SDK captures this interaction and stores relevant data.
  • User activity monitoring. Once the user interacts with the ad and engages with the app (app installs, in-app purchases or registration), AdAttributionKit records these actions.
  • Data attribution. The kit matches the user’s in-app actions to the corresponding ad interaction, attributing the conversion to the specific ad campaign, creative or source.
  • Reporting. Marketers can access detailed reports through a dashboard, displaying user acquisition metrics such as click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, cost-per-action (CPA) and lifetime value (LTV) of users acquired through different ad campaigns.

4. SKAdNetwork vs. AdAttributionKit


One of the most significant advancements AdAttributionKit brings to the table compared to SKAdNetwork is its ability to support multiple app stores, which is why it was originally created.

AdAttributionKit includes a “marketplace identifier” that shows where an app was installed from, a feature that SKAdNetwork lacks. This means marketers can track and attribute app installs from various app stores, not just the Apple AppStore, providing a more comprehensive understanding of their app’s distribution and user acquisition channels. This added flexibility and broader tracking capability make AdAttributionKit a more versatile and powerful tool for mobile app attribution.

Additionally, AdAttributionKit enables re-engagement campaigns, allowing marketers to re-target users who have already installed the app and drive further engagement and retention.

Moreover, AdAttributionKit addresses some of the challenges that marketers have to face with SKAdNetwork, particularly in running tests and obtaining data quickly. SKAdNetwork's privacy-preserving measures sometimes resulted in delays and complications during the testing phase. AdAttributionKit has a new feature called “developer mode”, which makes it easier and quicker for marketers to run tests and optimize their campaigns.