How To Choose An Ad Network For Your UA Campaign

Giulia Bergamaschi
June 18, 2024
How To Choose An Ad Network For Your UA Campaign

In the world of mobile advertising, ad networks represent a bridge between advertisers and publishers and are necessary for marketers to reach their audience and for publishers to earn fair revenues for their ads.

Mobile advertising spending worldwide has surpassed 360 billion dollars in the past year and is estimated to reach 400 billion by the end of the year.

That’s why it is of the utmost importance for publishers and advertisers to be connected and to choose the most appropriate ad network. With the emergence of new and varied ad networks, it’s crucial to know how to make the right choice according to your campaign’s needs!

Keep reading if you want to find out what factors you should consider when choosing an ad network for your UA campaign and other information related to ad networks and their benefits.

What are ad networks?

Ad networks function as intermediaries connecting publishers with advertisers. Their purpose is to facilitate the process of buying and selling digital ad space by providing a centralized marketplace where publishers and advertisers can do business together.

What makes ad networks essential is that they make both publishers and advertisers save time and effort by helping them negotiate freely on their platforms.

Ad network types

There a few types of ad networks depending on your goals and the kind of audience you want to be able to reach:

  • Vertical ad networks: thematic ad networks (concerning topics such as games, business, shopping).
  • Horizontal ad networks: general ad networks offering a more extensive and diverse reach.
  • Specialized ad networks: ad networks catering to specific market segments and providing targeted advertising solutions.
  • Premium ad networks: ad networks partnering with high-quality publishers only, thus ensuring that ads appear on heavily trafficked sites.

Ad networks’ pricing models

Ad networks usually employ three main kinds of advertising pricing models:

  1. Cost per mille (CPM). Related to the number of ad impressions per thousand views and useful to improve brand awareness. CPM is the less popular metric when it comes to ad networks and is more typical of DSPs.
  2. Cost per install (CPI). Related to the cost of each app install and suitable for businesses aiming to increase app installs. CPI is the preferred pricing metric and the most widespread, followed by CPA.
  3. Cost per action (CPA). Related to the cost of each in-app event performed by a user (actions may include clicks, purchases, subscriptions).


There are also two less popular revenue models you might want to consider depending on your UA campaign’s purpose: cost per view (CPV) and cost per click (CPC).

Factors to consider for the choice of your campaign’s ad network

When choosing which ad network is the most suitable for your UA campaign, you should take into account numerous factors ranging from the ad network’s size and reputation to its ad formats and customer support’s quality. Before relying on an ad network, always remember to evaluate the following elements and choose wisely:

  1. Size of the ad network. You should take into account the ad network’s size so as to understand the potential reach of your ads.
  2. Evaluating ad network reputation. Conducting research on the ad network’s background and examining their values to understand if they align with yours is a crucial step when choosing your campaign’s ad network. Moreover, this will help you keep away from fraud, thus avoiding wasting money and damaging your brand’s reputation.
  3. Assessing the ads’ quality to enhance user experience. With high-quality ads you will be sure to improve user experience and obtain higher conversion rates.
  4. Analyzing ad formats and their placement. It’s necessary to opt for an ad network offering a broad range of ad formats (video, interstitials, banner, rich media, etc.) so that you have many options to choose from.
  5. Reviewing payout rates. Always choose compensation and payment terms which are aligned with your campaign’s goals.
  6. Ad management and customer support. You shouldn’t overlook the importance of a reliable support team so that you can be assisted whenever there are problems arising. That’s why you should take into account that there are two types of ad networks: fully managed ones and self-service platforms.

How to set up a successful campaign with ad networks

After choosing the ad network you deem the most appropriate for your UA campaign, it’s time to set up your campaign according to your needs. Here are the steps you should follow in order to launch a successful user acquisition campaign:

  • Choose a suitable ad network following the advice mentioned above. Select an ad network that is aligned with your business goals and audience.
  • Define your UA campaign’s goals. Determine your goals, such as brand awareness, audience targeting, or sales.
  • Set budget and bid strategy. Establish your budget and decide on a bid strategy, choosing between the different pricing models mentioned above.
  • Design ad creatives. Create compelling ad content that resonates with your target audience and meets the network’s requirements.
  • Set targeting parameters. Define precise targeting criteria, including demographics, interests, behavior, and geographic locations, to reach the most relevant audience.
  • Launch the campaign. Initiate your campaign and publish it on the selected ad network.
  • Monitor and optimize. Don’t overlook the importance of continuously tracking your campaign’s performance using the network’s analytics tools. Moreover, make necessary adjustments to optimize results and achieve your goals.
  • Don’t forget about mutual transparency. It’s important to be aware of your ads placement! But it should be mutual: provide the ad network with all the data necessary to optimize your campaign.

Benefits of ad networks

Ad networks offer numerous benefits for advertisers, making them an essential component of digital marketing strategies:

  • Extensive reach. Ad networks connect advertisers with a vast range of publishers, increasing ad visibility across multiple websites and platforms.
  • Precise targeting. They allow advertisers to target specific audiences based on demographics, interests, and behaviors, enhancing campaign relevance and effectiveness.
  • Advanced analytics and reporting. Ad networks provide efficient tools to monitor real-time performance and make data-driven decisions to optimize your campaign.
  • Cost efficiency. With a wide range of pricing models, ad networks provide advertisers with a high cost efficiency. This is done with ad networks’ performance-based models (CPI and especially CPA) and thanks to efficient optimization strategies towards ROI/ROAS.


Overall, ad networks have revolutionized the way companies approach digital advertising, offering an efficient way to connect with targeted audiences. By understanding what ad networks are, the various types available, and the pricing models they offer, advertisers can make informed decisions to maximize their advertising budgets.

Setting up a campaign with an ad network involves strategic planning and execution, from selecting the right network to designing compelling ad creatives and monitoring performance metrics. The benefits of using ad networks are substantial, including enhanced audience targeting, improved ROI, and cost efficiency.

In conclusion, leveraging ad networks effectively requires a combination of knowledge, strategy, and continuous optimization. By integrating these elements, advertisers can harness the full potential of ad networks to drive growth and achieve their advertising goals!