In app install campaigns programmatic real time bidding can be very useful and really carry weight.
Nowadays, running app install campaigns with programmatic real time bidding is much more convenient. It is far quicker than the traditional media buying process specially in terms of optimizations, that are done by algorithms in real time, without any manual analysis nor manual integration of the source (that would require longer delays for optimizations).
Let’s dive deeper into the topic. Here are the 3 Reasons For Running app install campaigns With Programmatic real time bidding!
- It’s faster
Running and optimizing app install campaigns with Programmatic real time bidding is as quick as a flash. The whole real time bidding process takes just a few milliseconds: an SSP makes advertising available on publishers’ apps in the real time bidding auction, DSPs make an offer on behalf of advertisers and the one who made the best offer gets the ad placement. That’s literally it.
Programmatic app campaigns are fast also because there are no multiple publisher relationships to manage, it all happens through a single dashboard that controls the campaign.
Moreover, optimizing a budget can be done algorithmically and the advertising budget can also be moved between geos, looking for the best reach and ROI.

2. Transparency is key
Transparency is a big plus point of programmatic app campaigns. Campaign performance can be monitored in real time, which means that the advertiser can act more easily when it comes to optimizing the campaign.
In programmatic app campaigns publishers can use private marketplaces that allow them to sell premium inventory with the transparency, controls, and data protection available through RTB. The auctions within the real time bidding exchanges guarantee full transparency at the impression level. So advertisers know exactly where their ad has been shown.
For example, in a programmatic app campaign SSPs allow publishers to get a much clearer picture of what they are selling, to whom, and at what price, which allows publishers to understand what price works best for them.
3. It’s cost-effective and accurate
With real time bidding, everything in your app install campaigns will be faster and more accurate.
A programmatic app campaign allows advertisers to reduce costs and waste.
In real time bidding auctions, the ability to carry out very precise targeting makes it easier to accurately estimate the true value of each ad impression. Each ad impression can be targeted, avoiding the mass purchase of ad space that could be wasted on irrelevant users.
One thing we also need to mention when it comes to app install campaigns with programmatic real time bidding is retargeting which is made powerful through impression-level bidding. For instance, creative can be designed specifically for a single audience segment and lookalike modeling allows advertisers to use their own data as a template with which to expand the size of the audience they are targeting. However, retargeting and the use of lookalike audiences have to deal now with Apple’s new IDFA privacy rules.
Pricing is accurate because publishers are able to extract value from each impression in real time. In programmatic app campaigns publishers’ revenue will increase. With real time bidding auctions advertising space that was previously unwanted, called remnant inventory, increases in value. Econsultancy’s December 2013 Online Publishers Report revealed that 46% of publishers surveyed saw a 1–10% increase in the value of remnant inventory.
In programmatic app campaigns with real time bidding publishers can also see which specific segments of their audience are high-quality users, meaning they generate more conversions as installs or post-install events. This insight can be used to influence strategy, maximizing the value of a publisher’s audience and using machine learning algorithms to target new users that fit in this profile.